Will Your Agency Stumble or Thrive Through Change?
Federal leaders: The halls of your agencies are thick with uncertainty right now. While wariness is natural, how your organization emerges from this period - stumbling or thriving - depends entirely on the groundwork you lay today. Here are three proven lessons from agencies that turned transitions into opportunities.
Terminal Points: Looking Into the Abyss
The traditional S curve is changing, as technology and government regulations reshape markets, creating terminal points for essential decision making.
Navigating the Crossroads: Choosing Between Business Transformation and Turnaround
Turnarounds and strategic transformations often go hand-in-hand, with an organization needing to retool its operations and strengthen its core through a turnaround...
Operationalizing Enterprise, Initiative, and Program Innovation in Federal
There’s a strong push for innovation within the federal government, driven not only by desire but also by mandate. The success of these efforts relies on a systematic approach to planning and implementing change, encompassing phases like strategy development, prioritization, defining necessary changes, enabling change, and ongoing governance. This approach is critical for achieving impactful and sustainable innovation in federal programs and initiatives.
Post-Pandemic: Acting with Purpose
By deepening our understanding of and anticipating what’s happening within our markets, we can tap into new sources of differentiation that account for the fact that the world has changed and that thriving in that post-Pandemic world isn’t simply business as usual or business as it was.
Africa: A High-Risk, High-Reward Investment Priority
In recent years, the conversation at companies looking for growth in emerging markets has turned from the usual suspects to Africa.
Onesie-twosie Approaches to Transformation Don’t Work
Transformation and modernization efforts remain vital and at the forefront of organizations’ agendas, as they aim to spark step-change performance improvement.
Digital Transformation: Systems Aren’t a Panacea
The traditional S curve is changing, as technology and government regulations reshape markets, creating terminal points for essential decision making.
The ESG Paradox: Disruptive Risk and Investment Opportunity
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) trends create risks and also opportunities for savvy institutional investors…
Transforming from Within
Traditional approaches to Transformation, with an over-reliance on consultants, fail to generate the best outcomes …
Without Discipline, Your Metrics are Meaningless
Most organizations fail to effectively manage against specific, well-reasoned outcomes and that’s as brutal as not having any metrics in the first place …
Why Your Strategy is Going to Fail
Outside of companies' Strategic Planning units, planning season is usually met with a collective groan. Why? Despite the snazzy charts they include ...
Bridging the Strategy-Execution Gap
Progress against long-term goals is seldom linear and, in most cases, you’re learning to crawl and then walk before you can run …
Private Sector Best Practices Matter in Federal
The Private Sector isn’t perfect. Far from it. Key weaknesses for all but the best performing companies include a short-term focus, a transactional ...
Making Hay While the Sun Shines
Recently, the CEO of an award-winning craft brewery told us they weren’t interested in thinking about their growth strategy because ...
Taking Management’s Hypotheses With a Grain of Salt
Management presentations, among other things, a treasure-trove of data and insights into the commercial potential and promise ...
Breaking Down Fiefdoms Post-Acquisition
Post-acquisition challenges abound. However, one of the greatest is getting the individuals in your legacy organization and the newly acquired ...
Gaining Advantage Through Focus and Differentiation
Sustaining profitable growth over the long-term is challenging in both product and service markets. Why? Because, over the long-term, markets ...
Is Transformation too Risky for the Feds?
Efficiency and innovation, two core tenets of Transformation, remain buzzwords in the Federal Government. But we’d argue that ...
The Only Constant is Change
Wayne Gretzky, the hockey great, famously said: "skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been." Wise advise for business ...